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File name:Konica Minolta QMS magicolor 3100 Service Manual.part1.rar
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Mfg:Konica Minolta
Model:QMS magicolor 3100 🔎
Original:QMS magicolor 3100 🔎
Descr:Konica Minolta QMS magicolor 3100 Service Manual
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File name Konica Minolta QMS magicolor 3100 Service Manual.pdf

magicolor® 3100 Series Service Manual 1750051-001B The essentials of imaging ii Introduction Introduction 1. Trademarks The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Other product names mentioned in this manual may also be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Registered trademarks are registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office; some trademarks may also be registered in other countries. QMS, magicolor, and the MINOLTA-QMS logo are registered trademarks of MINOLTA-QMS, Inc. Minolta is a trade-mark of Minolta Co., Ltd. 2. Copyright Notice This manual is Copyrighted © 2001 by MINOLTA-QMS, Inc., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, AL 36618. All Rights Reserved. This manual may not be copied in whole or in part, nor transferred to any other media or language, without the express written permission of MINOLTA-QMS, Inc. v Cautions for operation 1. Marks giving caution Maintenance operations requiring special cautions or additional information to descriptions of this manual are presented as "Warning", "Caution", or "Note", according to their nature. If instructions are not observed, death or serious injury may be caused. If instructions are not observed, injuries of workers or physical damages to assets (including this laser printer) may result. Particularly important essentials for procedures, steps, rules, and others. Reference Incidental information to descriptions. 2. Related documents M Instruction manuals (standard user manuals) Describe operation and handling of this laser printer. M Performance specifications Describe in detail various specifications of this laser printer. (In the event of discrepancy between this manual and the performance specifications, the performance specifications shall take preference.) M Spare parts list Information on maintenance parts (spare parts) for this laser printer 3. Safety To prevent possible accidents during maintenance operation, you should observe strictly the "Warning" and "Caution" information in this manual. Dangerous operations and operations out of range of this manual should be absolutely avoided. Generally various processes not covered by this manual may be required in actual operation, which should be performed carefully always giving attention to safety. 3.1 Power source Keep the power supply off during maintenance operation to prevent electric shock, burns and other damages. Keep the power plug disconnected during the maintenance operation. If the power supply should be kept connected for measurement of voltage or other similar reasons, sufficient care should be given to prevent electric shock, by following the procedures of this manual. vi Introduction While the printer is ON, never touch live parts if not required absolutely. Power is supplied to the power switch / inlet (LVPS ASSY) even while the printer is off. Never touch its live components. Do not touch live parts unless otherwise specifi

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